After Early Head Start
Early Head Start is for pregnant women and families with infants and toddlers up until they turn three years old.
When your child turns three she will transition out of Early Head Start and into the next setting your family chooses. Some of these choices include Head Start, prekindergarten, Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), private therapy, private preschool, child care, or staying at home. You can find information about these choices elsewhere on this site. Your child may have to meet eligibility for some of the programs.
It is important that you explore the choices and visit the ones you are most interested in so you can make the best decision for your child and family.
Planning and transition support
The Early Head Start program supports all families and their children in planning their transition to the next program or setting. However, if your child was eligible for Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services while she was in Early Head Start, the Early Head Start program providers will use the same transition steps and timelines as for the transition out of ECI.
For example, Early Head Start staff will work with you to develop a transition plan, explore your options and choices for after Early Head Start, and have transition conferences with representatives of programs. They will support you in the referral and evaluation process for special education if you choose that route.